Monday, 31 October 2016

Vokis, Word Clouds, Web 2.0

Some weeks ago, we were dealing with two Web 2.0 tools: Word clouds and Vokis. The former is an image with different words that have a particular kind of relation, for example, they refer to a particular concept or, as in our case, they form a definition and we have to depict what those units are trying to say. The latter works as a speaking tool which records texts that we create. They are both great educational resources that we might use either in the classroom or as homework.  

As mentioned before, Word clouds, Vokis like many other sites, such as SlideShare, Prezi, Edmodo, GoogleDocs are also called Web 2.0 tools since they are used for the sake of interaction and collaboration, providing communication and connection among users.
  One of the most significant difference between Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 is that in Web 2.0 everybody is sharing information in which others can contribute with more content so as to enrich the source and not only be a site to enquiry.
Teachers have to take advantage of those kind of devices because they will probably help teachers to engage students in the info provided.


Web 2.0 Tools. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2016, from

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