Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Integrating technology into pedagogy

We have designed a Didactic Unit in which we use a PowerPoint presentation (PPT) for a certain purpose. Since we have dealt with vocabulary related to sports and the use of “Can/Can’t”, we choose to work with the Olympic Games. If you’re interested in, you can have a look at the complete work here.
As students are expected to create a PPT for the final task, we have decided to use one as a game. It is called "Unjumble the letters" in which they are going to guess which word the jumbled letters form. The aim of it is to review the vocabulary already given and to have an idea for their presentations.

Those devices such as PPTs, Prezis, and the like are a great way to integrate technology into the lessons.
In fact, Puentedura developed the ‘SAMR’ model which provides Teachers means of integrating technology into their practices. This model is divided into 4 levels, from enhancement to transformation:
  1. Substitution: The teacher only substitutes the tool without a functional change.
  2. Augmentation: The tech acts as a substitution but with a functional improvement.
  3. Modification: There is a significant re-design in which the use of tech is necessary.
  4. Redefinition: The tasks are inconceivable without technology.
If you want to know a bit more, the video below explains the SAMR model and each of the levels:

Considering our lesson, we realized that the use of our PPT reaches the 1st level since there is a substitution without any significant change and we could use, for instance, some flashcards or just a worksheet instead of technology.
What we could do to go higher is plan a lesson where students play the game via skype with students from another school. Of course, it should be taken into account that both institutions must have computers, webcams and  Internet access.

Hope this will help to consider how to integrate technology in the English classroom in a purposeful way. If you have any further recommendation, let us know it in a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Great and useful video on the SAMR model!

    (Aldana and MarĂ­a Eugenia from
